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Familiarization Tour of The Nairobi Region

Familiarization Tour of The Nairobi Region

On 6th August 2024 the Commissioner General of Prisons Mr. Patrick.M. Aranduh, MBS conducted his maiden familiarization tour of the Nairobi region  at the Nairobi Remand Command. He was accompanied by the Director Operations SACGP David Kilundo, MBS and Director Logistics ACGP James Mureithi.

He was welcomed by the Regional Commander Nairobi Region  ACGP Ali Athman and sat for a brief meeting with the Officers in Charge of the stations within the command. During the meeting, both challenges and achievements were explored and the CGP commended them for their seamless leadership despite various challenges faced by the highly populated command. 

The CGP was given a guided tour of the Nairobi Remand & Allocation Prison visiting various areas of the prison including the education center, the prison dispensary, prisoners blocks, newly constructed virtual courtrooms and the kitchen and concluded his tour with Nairobi Medium Prison. He engaged the prisoners and encouraged them to take advantage of the prisons programmes such as the literacy and vocational classes as they await the conclusion of their cases.

The familiarization tour culminated with a timaam parade for all the Nairobi Remand Command staff members. In his address, the CGP addressed various challenges KPS is facing currently and assured the officers that the department is committed to solving and addressing the issues depending on the availability of funds.

The CGP commended officers on the role they play in ensuring safe custody of prisoners.

He further urged all prison officers to conduct themselves with a high level of discipline and make use of the laid down procedures and systems to communicate any issues,grievances or challenges they may be facing.

He concluded his address by encouraging the officers to conduct themselves with pride as prison officers and protect the image of the department while discharging their duties with commitment and dedication.

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