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Change of guard at Prison headquaters

Change of Guard.

It's a new dawn for the Kenya Prisons Service as the Commissioner General of Prisons Mr. Patrick M.Aranduh MBS,takes over from the out going CGP Brig(Rtd) John K. Warioba,CBS at the Prisons Headquarters.

The incoming CGP Mr.Aranduh is a well seasoned officer who has risen through the ranks from Prisons Constable to the helm of the department.He has served in various capacities such as duty officer,court officer,officer in charge in various prisons ,Regional Commander Central,Deputy Director Planning and Development,Director Logistics,Director Planning and Development until his recent appointment by His Excellency Hon.William S.Ruto PhD.,C.G.H president of the Republic of Kenya.

During the handover ceremony he  appreciated the H.E the President for appointment and committed to serve with deligence, justice and ensure safe containment of inmates 

He takes over from Brig(Rtd)John K.Warioba CBS a gallant military officer  who has steered the department with integrity  addressing various issues such as  stagnation resulting to a motivated workforce and improvement of infrastucture within the Department."I retire with my head high and proud to have serviced in the prison department." he remarked during the handing over ceremony.

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